Ratings & Reviews - woody clogs website

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woody ratings & reviews

As a company, it is crucial for us that we satisfy you as our customer. Therefore your feedback is very important to us. We use platforms like Trusted Shops and Google reviews as well as customer videos to collect your feedback and continuously improve to best meet your needs and expectations.

The opinion of our customers is very important to us!

Woody already has over 1,000,000 satisfied customers. You love the convenience and comfort of our clogs - thanks to the flexible wooden sole and the finest natural materials. 96% of our customers recommend woody shoes because of their many benefits. With your review you can help other customers who are yet to make their first purchase.

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Videos from customers, fans and friends

If you like woody and have something to tell, then please send us your video. We are looking forward to it!

Ich Liebe meine woodys! Birgit F.

Hey, wie gefallen euch meine neuen woodys!? Janin Baumann (Modell)

Herzlichen Glückwünsch zu 100 Jahren woody! "Die mit den Clogs" Sabrina Stern (Schlager-Sängerin)

Making-of vom Shooting für woody Schuhe. Es war ein spannender Tag! Daniel Waschnig (Fotograf)

Wir lieben woody Schuhe 🥾Innovation & Design aus Kärnten 👍🏻Gert Höferer(Inhaber Theatro am Markt)

Dieser kleine Trendsetter rockt seine neuen Schuhe mit einem Mega-Lächeln!

Woody hat nachhaltige Schuhe für jede Gelegenheit!❤️ Sabine Knoll(Bloggerin & Influencerin)

Wieder einmal fündig geworden :) Hurra! Familie Horvath

Glückwunsch zum Erfolg! Stv. Paul Wernig (AMS Kärnten)

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